Be part of something bigger

Alone, you are but a single ship. With us, you are an armada and one hell of a force to be reckoned with. Join us and become part of something bigger, something that will change how you see the Verse.

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About Texas Space Navy

Our Mission

The mission of the Texas Space Navy is to establish itself as an independent and self-governing organization within the ‘Verse while maintaining a strong military presence in order to provide our citizens and allies a reasonable expectation of security when operating inside of our controlled territories.

Our Values


The well-being of our citizens is at the core of any and all decisions we make and our members are no different. If you find yourself in a tight spot you can count on someone to be there to lend a hand.



While we strive for a strong community we also are beholden to no one but ourselves. We may ask for help from time to time but we do not rely on it. We are self-sustaining, self-governing and capable of defending what is ours should the need arise.



We stand by our words and our actions, holdings ourselves accountable and accepting the consequences, whatever they may be.


Operations within Texas Space Navy are managed by four divisions. This is to facilitate leadership and organization within specific areas only. As a member you can freely move or participate in the activities of any division.


Not afraid of getting a little dirt on ya? Join up with our industrial team which is responsible for things such as…

  • Mining
  • Salvaging
  • Manufacturing
  • Outpost Construction


Have a good head for organization and planning? Or maybe you are looking to help your fellow citizens in need. Maybe you just enjoy the exploring the ‘Verse looking for new things. Whatever the case may be, you will find a home in our logistics division. Join them as they take on many of the tasks that keep us running….

  • Transportation (resources, commodities, and people)
  • Refueling
  • Repairing


You can not travel out into a new frontier without a crack team of scientists to back you up. If you are interested in any of the following then we have certainly got a spot for you!

  • Medical
  • Research
  • Data
  • Exploration


    Looking for some action? Look no further, our security division will be your one stop shop for all things combat. Providing services such as security patrols, blockades, territory acquisition and so much more, you can expect to take part in the following:

    • Ship Combat
    • FPS Combat
    • Boarding Actions
    • Recon
    • Spec Ops


    We’re fortunate enough to have a large number of content creators within our ranks. We have content on multiple platforms such as YouTube, Twitch and much more in our Discord and spectrum forums. What you find below is only a small fraction so be sure to join our discord if your interested in more great Texas Space Navy content.

    Official Texas Space Navy Youtube

    Run by none other than the man himself (Muddog) is our offical Texas Space Navy channel on YouTube. You’ll not only find content from our weekly org night shenanigans but great information on the latest news and guides regarding Star Citizen.